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"This is my command: Love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends."

John 15:12-13

We are all just living our lives. Every decision we make is another down stroke of our pen. Here's the catch, we don't always realize we are holding the pen. Every thought I have, every word I say, every relationship I invest in is another word, page, and chapter in this story book that is my life.

Loving people is an amazing thing, and I do it well. It is both my greatest strength and greatest weakness. I love hard and I do it quickly, but forever. I have no shame in saying the words "I love you." but it well never be said if it's not meant. And if you know me,I say it a lot. Meaning, if I say it only when I mean it yet I say it all the time, than it must be something that's undeniably true.

And as I'm chewing on the end of my pen- the decisions I make- rereading what I've just written- looking back on the past few days- I acknowledge the love that permeates the pages of my life.

Rochester is where it became real to me that I truly love the people I am doing ministry with. Working merchandise booths for long days and nights, not hearing a single sermon, I still got a message out of that exhausting weekend: John 15:12-13

I love my friends AJ, Megean, Daniel, and Alyssa. From lying in hotel beds watching New Girl all together, to arguing over who gets a van bench to themselves on the way back to the city, to sharing our first time Waffle House experience with one another, there's no other group of people I'd rather serve alongside with. These friends are my family.

So as I put my pen down and end this page of friendship in the CRI chapter of my life story, I sip on a cup of tea and lay down for a goodnight's sleep.



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