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Fresh Fruit

John 15:8

I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements are what brought me to create "Fresh Fruit".


I bet you're wondering what is so special about what I have to write to the world and my answer is this: Nothing. 


There is nothing extraordinary about my life aside from my redemption in Jesus Christ. But that's the beauty in my blog. I am relatable to people who lead normal-ish lives.


As the body of Christ we are called to bear much fruit, but exactly does that look like? And while I'm not 100 percent certain of the answer is either, I know that on an individual level I am to love, be joyful and at peace, be patient, kind, good, gentile, and practice self control. If I can focus on operating from this place, I know that I will love God and love others well. 


My goal in life and through this platform is to show the world that Fresh Fruit isn't as hard to produce as you might think. 


So let me be the first to welcome you to this place of refreshment.

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