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A Novel Idea, Really.

"So, while being the main character is trending and seemingly empowering, it is just not biblical."

Before the Shelter-in-Place order in March, I was working at a local daycare and preschool. I had come home from working a 12 hour shift with some obvious battle scars indicative of the day I just had: a black and blue bite mark on my right shoulder blade, a pinch scab on my forearm, a deflated sense of self worth, and my favorite pair of glasses: broken. Without saying much, I walked into my basement bedroom with tear-stained cheeks, flopped onto my bed, and began mindlessly scrolling.

Like most times when I fall into a funk, I drown myself in the nonsense that social media has to offer and to no surprise, I always feel worse. That night I was scrolling through Tik Tok when I heard an audio that said "You have to start romanticising your life- seeing yourself as the main character". I stopped and thought about what that really meant, only to find myself completely put off by it- and here's why:

Luke 9:23 Philippians 2:3 Romans 12:1-2 Luke 6:35

Acts 20:24 Isaiah 55:8-9 Matthew 6:34 John 3:30

Galatians 2:20 Psalm 119:36 Jeremiah 10:23 Job 38-40:1

Scripture screams "Jesus".

Jesus is the Main Character.

So overwhelmed by this hard hitting truth, I was reminded of a very key question I was asked 2 years ago that changed my walk with Christ forever:

"When you think of the worst thing that could ever happen in your life, where does your mind go? Even if [that] happens, does God still deserve the glory?"

My answer completely shifted the way I follow Jesus. Of course God still deserves the glory- because even if I go through Hell and back, God is still good. I think that in the Christian community and American church we so often forget that Christ does not need us, rather he wants us. And that is worth way more than anything anyone else could offer.

So, while being the main character is trending and seemingly empowering, it is just not biblical. In fact, It is one of the enemy's greatest tools in distracting us from Jesus. When we start to focus on ourselves at any capacity, we are handing the enemy a watering can to grow the seeds of bitterness, hatred, and pride/ false humility in our lives- and those are some hard weeds to pull.

I pulled myself up from my little pity puddle, put on some worship music, and praised my God with all I had left (which didn't feel like much). Since that evening, I have made it a point to immediately lift up praise and thanksgiving when I see Him moving, even when it's hard.

And then COVID hit the states.

And I still offer my praise and thanksgiving. Because even in the middle of the chaos and mess we are in, He is still good.


After an aggressive attack from the enemy (similar in aggression to the one I described above) this past week, there was a refreshing rain of The Spirit that fell on my life.

I was surrounded by a Jesus focused community- growing and strengthening old, developing, and new relationships. I was saturated in the Father's love through authentic worship and a hearty Word.

I experienced open doors being slammed shut and bolted doors being cracked. I felt a move of the Spirit, breaking bonds to unhealthy relationships, ties to unhealthy goals, and a building up of peace.

And even if the worst happens, He is still on the throne and worthy of praise.

With peace and understanding,

Rachel "Ruby"

Thank you guys for being in my life.

I am beyond grateful for your friendships and the individual relationships we each have together.

It's an honor to serve the kingdom alongside you women.

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