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Where You Live

Updated: Apr 30, 2020

This Labor day has been one of the best in a while. My sister and I woke up ready to go for our walk when the weather man told us that it was to rain all day today. So instead of going on a walk, we stayed in and painted, worked on homework, ate mac n' cheese, blogged, and had a dance party to the Jo Bros.

I was looking through my drafted blog entries, when I stumbled on this one and felt like I just had to share:

[The best advice I'd ever been given is to "explore the city you live in".

I do not want to be the person to bad mouth the church, so I won't. However, that's not say that she doesn't have her issues. And sometimes I cannot deal with them- I need to escape and be a teenager. Which is exactly what I did ...

I have lived in New York City for 7 whole months now and I had never eaten Thai food, gotten my selfie on a cup of tea, used VR goggles, or spun life sized kaleidoscopes until last week.

Cabin fever is a very real and serious thing that I didn't think could exist in one of the biggest cities in the world, but here we are. When you allow a person or situation to stifle your joy, you're bound to run at the first sight of an open door. Wednesday was my open door and I ran through it as fast as I could dragging Big Megs and A with me.

Let me be the first to tell you that being broke is a wake up call to one's creative juices. I mean, New York City is expensive but we spent less than $20 a piece enjoying what she had to offer.

The first stop on our self guided "Hole-in-the-wall Tour" was lunch at Saksri Thai Cuisine for some Thai food. I had no idea what I was ordering and I wan't sure what was going to come out on a plate. All I knew was that I was getting noodles with some type of meat on them. But before that, and I don't remember ordering this, I got a whole bowl of salad with this crazy spicy peanut sauce. (I had ordered Pad Thai and it was wonderful)

Stop two was relatively close but we nearly missed it because it is so dainty. It was a cute little pink shop with vines as window drapes and a feathered photo wall. We spent $7 for a cup of tea (which I would never do, but the 3 of us split the cost for 1 tea) that had our group selfie printed on the whipped cream. It was pretty tasty tea, too.

It was only about 5:00 by the time we left the shop and we were waiting for the sun to go down to check out the Kaleidoscopes when we stumbled on a cool little place. Now, I'm not sure why, but I get super territorial over silly things- especially when they are super gnarly. I either want to tell everyone or nobody at all. So it looks like you'll have to do some major investigative work to find out where we went, but there are some cool pictures below if you need some clues.

When we left "the gnarly place" as we'll call it, we worked our way down to City Hall to check out these spinning crystals. Of course, we couldn't pass up such a perfect opportunity for a photo shoot and we actually got some pretty cool shots. It was beautiful watching the Kaleidoscopes dance across the old architecture and water that surrounded us.

It was that night that it hit me for the very first time that I am a 19 year old girl who made it out of her small town to live on her own in NYC. I can't wait to explore more cities in the rest of my lifetime. Thank you, God for my spirit of adventure. ]

Moving to New York City was the best thing that ever happened to me and I cannot wait to 'explore more cities in the rest of my lifetime'- where ever God calls me. And while this entry may not mean much to anyone else, It means the world to me. I want to encourage people to explore the cities they live in, to not be afraid to make memories, and to smile while doing it.



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