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Rocking & Rolling

Hey y'all. So today's post is going to be rather informal. I'm sure you've already seen the dollar signs as you've skimmed through or just glanced at the paragraphs below, but please don't check out now.

Part of my program here at CRI is learning how to fund raise. We have been assigned a group fundraising project in which each student has the goal of raising $1,700 to help cover the cost of our transportation, discipleship books, and off campus meals. Anything I raise over $1,700 will go towards other general living expenses, so please consider helping me out. No gift is too small or too big!

On Wednesday October 31, 2018 @ 11:59 pm my classmates and I will me locked in a room where we’ll be stuck in rocking chairs for 24 hours. While rocking, we’ll play mini games, watch movies, and participate in interviews. I’m looking for 20 people who would be willing to sponsor me hourly and/or with one time donations. If you are interested, please message me privately with a dollar amount for every hour I rock and, this is part is just for fun, how many hours you think I’ll last. We will begin live-streaming this event during our “pre-game” at 11:30 pm Oct. 31, 2018.

Even if you are unable to support me financially, please show your support by tuning into the livestream on Facebook on October 31 @11:30 pm where you can ask questions and throw out challenge ideas that may be featured in our Rock A Thon.

Rock on & God Bless, Ruby

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