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The Name Game

But now, this is what the Lord says- the one who created you, Jacob, and the one who formed you, Israel- "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are mine."

Isaiah 43:1-2

I have always been so bad with names, but I never forget a face. It's something that's always kind of bothered me, because I didn't want people to think I didn't care. I'm just super forgetful.

That being said, I have done my friends an grave injustice for not getting their stories out there sooner, but I will eventually get to that. Allow me to introduce you to my friends:

Winda (left photo-far left) and Julius (right photo-far right)

I met Winda the first night we had ever done street ministry as a CRI team. As we approached the steps of St. Francis on Friday September 14, was when I knew I met that lovely smile in inside the yellow jacket. Conversation began to unfold as we unpacked her struggle with being homeless and poor self-esteem. When we asked if she wanted us to keep her in our thoughts and prayers, she said that she would accept prayer if we thought it would help. That was when we knew she needed Jesus for herself more than she needed intercessors. We begin to pray in Jesus name that she gets in a home within the month and that it be revealed to her that she is loved. We ended that prayer by singing

"Jesus Loves Me". As we all sang, I looked at Winda and realized that she wasn't singing. We sing that song every time we say our goodbyes. You'll be happy to know the last time I spoke with Winda was on the steps of that church where she told me she had gotten into a shelter and she knew every word to "Jesus Loves Me". I haven't seen her since.

When I met Julius, I thought he was just a lazy bum who smoked a little too much. We had walked up to him and asked if he could use a hot pocket, water, blanket, and hygiene pack to which he said yes to. A and I sat with him for an hour and a half and just allowed him to talk our ears off. He was lonely, he explained, and really appreciated us for doing the Lord's work. Julius made us laugh and cry, but that's what making friends looks like. He said he could use some prayer for safety over the block and that he may find a place to lay his head.

I could go on for eighty blog posts about the kinds of experiences I've had as we've reached people indirectly with the gospel. Because nobody wants a Jesus that is being shoved down their throats, rather to true and genuine friend that he is to us. He built relationships, and that's what I'm doing. I've built intimate relationships with Cheryl, Addi (Addison), Henry, Winda, Gregory, Brenda, Joey & Anna, and Julius through Jesus himself. Because my friends are more than just homeless people... they have names and lives and stories.

So next time you want to say "I'm just really bad at names" consider how bogus you sound because that is just an excuse for not caring enough to listen. A name is more than just a name. It's an identifier and if I don't remember the names of my new friends, than I'm no better than placing their identity in their location- homeless.

Take the time to chew on that.


Rubes ma' Gubes

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