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Shut Up. Speak Up.

Updated: Sep 16, 2018

There is a time to tear and a time to sew; a time to be silent and a time to speak.

Ecclesiastes 3:7

Why The Three Seven?

So as some of my closest friends and family know, I just recently moved to New York City; it's the city that never sleeps, and lately my mind doesn't either.\

In one of the most distracting cities in the world, a whisper so clearly spoke into me the need to "stop". Stop focusing on things of this world. Stop trying to take control of things I don't have control over. Stop talking so much...

That was when Ecclesiastes 3:7 was revealed to A and me. The burden and responsibility of this verse weighed so heavily on our hearts, we claim that verse in Jesus name as we prepare to take the streets of NYC by storm. The addicts, the escorts, the homeless, the wealthy want someone to talk to, someone they can tell things to.

My job is not to talk at them but with them. Building relationships and getting real... My job is to know when it's time to shut up and when it's time to speak up.


Ruby Ruby Roo

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1 comentário

18 de set. de 2018

I am so excited to follow you on your journey! Praying that He stretches you and makes you uncomfortable while at the same time showing you His wonderful, glorious love. You've got this sister!! <3

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