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Fresh Fruit

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

If I were asked where I wanted to go to lunch, I would probably say " Oh, I don't care. You pick!". The thing is, we've all had these conversations. And if we are being completely honest, they can be exhausting. Now while I say I don't care, that isn't necessarily the truth. I really just am so indifferent towards whatever choice is made that I say "I don't care". As the conversation escalades, as we all know it does, I would just pick the first place that comes to mind because this choice doesn't have any gravity to it, so I just choose. (That idea in and of itself can be frustrating to those around me, but that's a story for another time...)

Unfortunately, this specific idea of decision making isn't as weightless when it comes to other areas of my life. In fact, I would even go as far to say that indecision is probably my greatest shortcoming in life.

If you've been tracking with my blog for just over the year it's been around, you might have recognized that the name and face of my site keeps changing. When I first started trying to navigate "blog life", I was enrolled with City Reach Institute. Starting a blog/website or Youtube channel was actually a requirement for the learning and graduation process of my program. Because of the season of life I was in at that time, I originally named my website "The three seven" as representative of the scripture Ecclesiastes 3:7 (you can read the full story in the post: "Shut up. Speak up.").

After a few months into blogging, I was feeling like the name of my blog should change. "the three seven" was more representative of the season of life I had been in at that time, but I felt like it really wasn't going anywhere, so I changed it to "Junkmail". I did this without updating anyone or explaining the name or reason why I changed it in the first place. I just changed it. Thinking back on it now, I realize that I was trying to be someone I wasn't and hoping I could convey who I wanted to be with the face of my online persona. Well, surprise, surprise, I failed.

It wasn't until about two months ago when I realized that I needed change the name of my blog, yet again. I was hoping to find something more long-term. Something that I could hopefully turn into a business down the road. Something that was an all-encompassing rendition of my true, authentic personality. It was through a conversation with my mom that I confessed my constant drive to be positive and radiate joy to really fulfill the call that God has placed on my life to love Him and love others.

That's when it hit me hard and fast:

"This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." -John 15:8

Fresh Fruit.

In short,  I chose the name "Fresh Fruit" because I want people to be refreshed by the fruit that I produce- that is the fruit of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Being that fruit is colorful, attractive, fun, sweet, and refreshing (like me), it seemed only fitting for the new name of my blog and potential business.

That being said, I am very excited to introduce to you the new face of my blog! I hope that it sparks joy and positivity in your day, whenever you visit the site. In addition to the site's facelift, I would also like to announce the arrival of the business aspect of Fresh Fruit! In the not-so-distant future, you will be able to order some new and exciting merch to help support my mission of spreading love and joy. Some of the things you'll be able to order are apparel, vinyl stickers, prints/canvases, keychains, and so much more.

It is with a grateful heart that I:

Thank everyone who has stayed faithful to this girl's mission!

Thank everyone who has helped this girl financially!

Thank everyone who has covered this girl in prayer!

Thank everyone who has helped make "Fresh Fruit" a reality!

I love you all,

Rachel (Ruby)

Here is a sneak peek at some of the merch designs:

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