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This piece is dedicated to the Taylor family.

When the words of my heart's mind come hurling towards the walls of my lips only to smash and shatter onto my tongue-

the shards cutting deep into the tissue of my mouth-

I weep.

So as my mind tries to reason with my heart

and my heart begins to bargain with my drowning tongue,

My tongue lets loose its anger, scolding my lips

as my lips frantickly take in my tears

in attempts to mop up the mess that is on the floor of my mouth,

My body dances.


there is no music.

No mirrors.

Only Feet.

2 sets.

Both are familiar.

Yet, everything about this dancer makes the

discomfort and chaos within me swell.

Here my body is moving in conjunction with another so beautifully,

but the pain is unbearable and I just want

it to stop.

I fight.

He clings tighter.

I scream.

He steadies me.

I claw.

He allows it.

But in this moment right now,

my body dances and

my eyes- tired and sad-

raise to lock with his- sharp and unwavering.

So as my mind continues to reason with my heart

while my heart is bargaining with my ever-drowning tongue,

My tongue is found scolding my lips

as my lips are still taking in my tears frantically

in attempts to mop up the mess that remains on the floor of my mouth,

My soul rests in it's dance with Grief.

In Vivid Memory of Papa Shane Taylor

"I love you Monstrously Big"

Thank You, Lord for accepting your humble servant into your Throne Room- may we see him again in Glory.

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